Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Summer Update

It's true, the summer is almost over.  I have been terrible at blogging (as usual), but we've been pretty busy.

We've had a great summer.  July was filled with lots of time just hanging out, going to the pool, and just enjoying summer.

We had a great trip to Maine a couple weeks ago with lots of relaxation and family time.

Slowly but surely, we have been getting stuff done around the house too.  It seems like it has been an ongoing process all summer and there are still things that we are finishing up.  I'm hoping to share what we've done in the next couple weeks.  But, here is a sneak peek of a little kitchen redecorating I've been working on. 

We have one more vacation before we call the summer officially "over".  I can't believe Aiden will be back at school in a week and a half and we'll be back in the grind of things.  Although, I am looking forward to being back into a regular routine.  

Hope you're all having a great summer and are doing something fun this Labor Day weekend to say farewell to the summer!