Monday, April 30, 2012

Sunny days

As I previosuly mentioned, I finished the curtains.  Love them.  Especially since I spent a total of $36 for fabric as opposed to this ridiculous price. 

I would really like to get a nicer curtain rod- one large one that goes across both windows and use clips to hang them instead of the pocket for the rod.  I think that would add just a little something more.  But, for now they are up and bringing us sunshine, even on cloudy days. 

Aiden always appreciates and notices when I change things around the house.  I love this about him.  He woke up from a nap when I was working on the curtains and was eager to help.  For a few days after they were finished he wanted to show everyone that came into the house and told me neumerous times how beautiful they were. 

I also finally covered this lampshade.  I've been wanting to for awhile but never took the time to find the right fabric and take the time to do it.  I'm glad I finally did. 

Did you notice I got the vase I wanted for my birthday?

Rob went back to work this afternoon for the first time since his surgery.  It's been nice having him home and even this week he will be around a little more before fully heading back to his normal schedule next week.  I made pancakes Sunday morning for the first time in a long time.  I don't think I've made pancakes since before Brady was born.  That's kind of sad.  

Hope everyone's week is off to a good start.  I can't wait for our trip to the city later this week.  I'm hoping to post some pics of some of our favorite things in the city.  See you soon!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

I'm here

I am so sorry it has been a whole month since my last post.  I can't believe it has been that long.  Things have been a bit off around here recently.  Rob had to have some unexpected but minor surgery last week. He's fine, healing well, and will be able to return back to work next week.  We've been trying to make the best of his time home.  Lots of relaxing.  I've been a bit under the weather the past few days, which has put me in a bit of a funk and am looking forward things being back to normal around here.  

And, something to really look forward to- next week Rob and I are going away for a night to the city.  We planned it a couple months ago when we were making plans for my birthday.  I wanted to do a night in the city but really wanted to go to the ballet, which didn't start til the end of April.  We decided we would just wait for the ballet (I have the best husband), and at the time we didn't know all this stuff was going to happen over the last month.  So, it turns out, this night away couldn't come at a better time.  It will be our first night away from this sweet babe...

but, he will enjoy all the attention he will be getting from his Mimi and Pop-Pop.  

I have some posts to share, so I will be back soon.  I ended up getting the fabric for the living room curtains and love how they turned out.  I have to take some good pics to share.  

In the meantime, here are some pics from my phone of my boys over the past month.  Love them so much.

first Easter


being cute

passed out in the car

B turned 7 mos last week!